

摘要: 昆山杜克大学数学与应用数学专业是一个很好的专业,本页面将展示昆山杜克大学的学生对数学与应用数学专业的真实评价,包含综合满意度、就业满意度等。


We live in an era where the availability of unprecedented amounts of information and computing resources is erasing the traditional boundaries between disciplines. This is creating new opportunities for multidisciplinary teams to actively engage with and to change the world around them. Experts who combine deep disciplinary knowledge in Mathematics and Computer Science with interdisciplinary skills will play a leading role in such multidisciplinary teams.Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences is a highly interdisciplinary field which integrates concepts and principles from Mathematics and Computer Science and applies them to Sciences, Engineering, Humanities, and Business. Its distinctive character is an emphasis on modeling and computational thinking that is firmly based on solid theoretical foundations.The vision of the major in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences is to educate students who combine world-class disciplinary education with the leadership and communication skills to facilitate interaction with other disciplines, and who can easily adapt to changing circumstances, trends, and societal needs. The major, in coordination with the Zu Chongzhi Center for Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences, tracks the latest developments in academic and industrial research and prepares students for graduate studies and a competitive job market with a combination of skills that are not typically offered in traditional undergraduate Applied Mathematics and Computer Science programs.The major in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences aims to let students explore Mathematics and Computer Science at three levels. First, within each discipline, traditional courses help students acquire the necessary foundational theoretical background. Second, at an interdisciplinary level, students explore the relation between the Mathematics track and the Computer Science track through the interaction of mathematical principles and programming in courses such as Numerical Analysis. The two tracks complement each other and integrate their disciplinary perspectives into coherent and distinctive problem-solving approaches. Third, students go beyond strict disciplinary boundaries in several courses that combine mathematical or computer science foundations with applications to other disciplines and applied projects that also prepare students for Signature Work outside their disciplinary boundaries.


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