

摘要: 昆山杜克大学历史学专业是一个很好的专业,本页面将展示昆山杜克大学的学生对历史学专业的真实评价,包含综合满意度、就业满意度等。


This major prepares students to engage, work with, and understand China in the twenty-first century. It provides students with opportunities to gain deep historical knowledge of China in the ancient, pre-modern, and modern periods, while focusing on the place and impact of China in the world—past, present, and future.  Students will be exposed to debates about China’s philosophical traditions and their force in shaping China’s history and present; the political dynamics of development, decision-making, and grassroots protest; the importance of religion, entrepreneurialism, innovation, and social networks in China and beyond its borders; and the role of digital media, visual culture, and the internet in everyday social, economic and political life. This major recognizes that China has continually had a global presence for many centuries, deeply influencing people, cultures, technologies, ecologies and economies elsewhere in our world, and that its influence is now deepening even further as China prepares to become a major player in the realm of global politics and economics.    This major will query the meanings of “China” as a nation-state, a region, and culture in a global setting, and provide students with a new set of analytical and critical thinking skills in order to purposefully engage the changing landscape of academics, business, government, policy, and the arts. This major has tracks in Chinese History, Economics, Philosophy, Religious Studies and Political Science.The major in Global China Studies prepares students for a world in which China—and Chinese firms, organizations, and individuals—are at the center of shaping the 21st century.  It prepares international students for their lifelong engagement with China:  its polity, economy, and society.  It prepares Chinese students to navigate the wider world with a firm understanding of their own roots, their unique history and institutions, and the ability to see their own country as others see it.  It prepares students for careers in business, the professions, and public service with a foundational knowledge of China’s global role, past, present and future.


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